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If you're anything like the majority of my patients, you're probably thinking that you can skip right over my lectures on the sun since you're one of the smart ones; sunblock is the first item you pack when going on holiday or taking a long weekend away. While this sort of foresight is a step in the right direction, it falls short of the type of protection that is ideal. You see, the sun is out all the time, not just when you're on a beach in the Caribbean. It's out when you're driving to the office, walking along the pavement or even dining indoors at your favourite restaurant. Yes, I said indoors. UVA rays are able to penetrate through glass, so without adequate sun protection, you are at risk for some damage. Even in the dead of winter, you should make an effort to protect yourself. If not, over time, this accumulated damage will greet you in the mirror via a leathery complexion, those aforementioned sun spots and an abundance of lines throughout - particularly the deep ones in a cross-hatched pattern on the cheeks. Just think of the wrinkled neighbour in the Cameron Diaz movie There's Something About Mary to see exactly what you don't want to look like. Why wait until your skin is damaged beyond repair to start caring for it? Let's focus on preserving its beautiful integrity now. rxfastfind.com
Skin Care
Big contributors: smoking
Dermatitis and vitamin deficiency
Ageing by sun: cancer concerns - sunscreen
Dermatitis: causes and treatments
Ageing by sun: cancer concerns
Cleansing programme for eczemay
Ageing by sun: daily doses
Eczema and nervous system
Ageism by sun: the lowdown on spf
Stress buster programme for dermatitis