Divine Diva News
Hello all you fabulous Diva’s. I’m glad you found your way to my site. I have some news to share with you. I just added my new Diva E-cards. I have 5 so far, but plan to add more soon. They are free for you to send and I hope you will tell all of your friends to stop by and send one today. They represent the 10 Diva’s that I talk about on my home page and you can add your own personal message on each card as you send them to your friends. I will be keeping you updated on new and exciting things here at Divine Diva Delights, so come back soon. I have exciting plans for the future.
Great news I just received the first of several Divine Diva Interviews. Please check out these fabulous interviews by clicking on the Diva Interviews. I will be adding more soon, so check back often. cheapodrugs.com

We just added the Diva Wish List feature to our site. You can use this to pick out products you would like for a special day or occasion and create your list. When you create the list it will ask you for the date, and it will also ask you to create a pass code for yourself. You can then let your family and friends know that you have a Diva Wish list on file at our site. Once you do that you will give them your pass code, and they can vist the site anytime to purchase a gift for you. When they get to our site, they will click on Find Diva Wish List, look for your name, enter the passcode, and they`re ready to shop.

One of the things I have planned for next year is a Divine Diva Friend program. I want to start a program in which we can reach out and inspire other women who may be going through a difficult time in their life and may be in need of a little encouragement and inspiration. I believe in building self esteem in women and young girls and there are so many women out there who need someone to believe in them and help them to reach for their dreams.

I had a cousin who lost her life due to an abusive relationship with her ex-husband and I believe that low self esteem can and does sometimes lead women to the wrong men and relationships. Some women and girls grow up with nobody to believe in them and I believe we all have the power to become who we are meant to be in life, but we need others to believe in us and our dreams as well. I want to have a program that reaches out to these women where we can send encouraging messages to them each week that would help give them the encouragement they need to create a better life.

I don’t have all of the details yet, but I will be working on getting this going early next year and I would love to have some of you Fabulous Diva’s out there join me. If you are interested, please let me know so I can get in touch with you when the program begins. If you have resources on how to reach women who may need this service please let me know as well. I look forward to building a great team of Diva’s. Till next time, Have A Divine Diva Day! You deserve it.